Maundy Thursday thoughts
Well, it is a strange and difficult time we are living in. So much has changed in recent weeks and many of our favourite activities have been stopped.
As Christian believers probably the most significant restriction is the fact that we cannot go to church. As heartbreaking as that has been, it has forced us to focus on the fact that the church is not a building, the church is the people. Although the building may be closed for now, the church is very much alive and active.
So church is not suspended, it continues in our hearts. That therefore means that if church is not suspended then Easter hasn't been cancelled either.
This is still holy week and today is Maundy Thursday. The day we remember that significant meal Jesus had with his disciples. We recall the demonstration of love in the washing of the feet and the incredible words Jesus chose to speak.
Maundy means 'command' in Latin and on that particular night Jesus gave his dinner guests a command. Out of everything he could have said to them he chose to say this - 'love one another, as I have loved you'. He goes on to say that this is how you will be known as his disciples - by the way that you love. We will be known today as his disciples, as the church, by the way that we love.
So regardless of whether we are within a building right now or not, we are the church and we are to be love. Never was a time more important than now to be his disciples and to spread his love and cast out fear.
Until next time
Pastor Debbie