Day 6 - Seven Day Sound Mind Christmas Challenge
Day 6
Living every day battling with toxic thoughts can cause you to constantly live in a place of fear and panic. So during a busy time like Christmas, that fear can be heightened.
The promise to us today is that fear does not come from God, in the book of 2 Timothy 1 v 7 we read that “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind
So yes, we may fear at times, however God has the power to cover that fear in love as we heard yesterday.
If we reflect on that first Christmas there were many who were naturally afraid. Think about the magnificent sights on that special night. The appearance of angels visiting both Mary and Joseph, the great heavenly hosts that appeared in the sky singing over the shepherds, the magnificent star that the wise men followed and the baby that was born in a manger in a stable.
I’m sure there will have been moments where all were afraid. In fact we read in Luke gospel that Mary was troubled when first given the news however if we return to those words spoken to Mary by the angel Gabriel in Luke, when we read that the angel comforted her by saying "Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favour with God.
And the Lord says the same to you today Do not be afraid. So instead of allowing fear to rule in your heart and mind, be encouraged this Christmas that God wants to heal you of anxious and fearful thoughts and give you back your sound mind.
So today instead of allowing fear to grip you pray this prayer aloud –
Lord you did not give me a spirit of fear, instead you have given me power and authority over my mind. Open up my heart that I may receive your love and take back my sound mind.
In Jesus name