Workout Partner
I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. Colossians 2 v 2 (NLT)
Well it’s that time of year again. Along with the Christmas presents, I received a few extra calories and if advertising is anything to go by, I don’t think I am the only one! The shops are filled with diet foods, workout mats and equipment and of course the latest fitness and healthy eating plans. Many of us have bought into this multi-million-pound industry over the years. We start off with great intentions but before long that cross trainer or tummy cruncher gathers dust or becomes a very expensive clothes hanger.
I must admit I start off with great intentions, however after a while, it does feel like a steep mountain to climb. Although this may be the case for most us there are that few that seem to succeed. So, what is the secret to their success? Well, a relative of mine has recently been working out with a trainer and her results have been fantastic, so, what is the benefit of a workout partner? Well they are committed to supporting you by encouraging and helping you to get stronger. On the days when you feel weak and want to give up, they are there pushing you back up that mountain, telling you that you can do it!
This got me thinking about Woman2Woman and the benefits of gathering together in these groups. The same principle applies here in building and strengthening spiritual muscle. The Apostle Paul speaks of this in Colossians 2 verse 2. Paul writes about the encouragement and love that we receive when we come together and partner one another through life. He also writes in Galatians 6 verse 2 that we are to “Share each other’s burdens”.
Does this mean that we cannot walk a life of faith alone? Of course it doesn’t. However, why would you, when there is support; love; strength and encouragement on offer for those who choose to walk alongside other believers. That is why small groups and church gatherings and services are so important. They strengthen our faith as we listen to each other’s testimonies and delve deeper into the word, learning together. It’s a safe place to ask questions, share troubles and yes, at times, cry together. So, are you looking to get spiritually fit this New Year? Can I encourage you to get yourself along to a small group or a church service? Allow God to bring around you a family that will encourage and uplift you.
If you are in our area then come along to a Woman2Woman near you, we exist to help women develop and nurture a closer relationship with the Father, and you will. However, the blessings don’t stop there, you will also develop and nurture friendships that will change your life and whole perspective of relationships. So, don’t work out on your own, get a workout team. As the bible says, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed” Ecclesiastes 4 verse 9.
Until next time