Falling Leaves

At Woman2Woman recently we have been discussing all the ways in which the Lord speaks to us, through the line of a song, his word and through other people. There is one other way that we quite often miss out and it is through creation. The reason why I say we quite often fail to see it, is that our near vision would have us see cars, concrete and retail outlets. Whereas there is so much beauty to be seen if we take time to appreciate it.
I love all the seasons, however there is something so wonderful about the colours in Autumn and the other day I found myself stopping in my tracks to gaze at a tree. What struck me was the one vibrant red leaf that was left hanging onto the branch, all the other leaves having blown away in the autumn breeze. It got me thinking about the changing seasons in our lives and what might prevent you from moving into a new season, the next chapter or the next step.
I found myself wondering about this leaf, was it clinging on afraid to take the plunge? What about you, are you finding it hard to move forward? There are several reasons why we may get stuck, afraid to move forward, fear being the most common one. Afraid of what is ahead, fearful of letting go of all that is behind, trapped in a barren place. You know as I gazed upon the beauty of this delicate red leaf, I felt sadness in my heart as it looked so alone. I concluded that it must be hard holding on for dear life, afraid to move, afraid to fly.
Is that how you feel today - delicate, fragile and afraid to fly? You are a masterpiece (Eph2v10), created by a loving Father and he carefully formed you (Ps139v14). You were created by a loving father for a purpose. Yes, you have endured a few harsh winters, there have been several storms and hurricanes in your life, but your father loves you too much to see you paralysed by fear, holding onto the past and afraid of the future.
Yes, it can be hard to let go, after all it is all that you have known, your comfort. However, Jesus wants you to let go and allow him to comfort you. He wants to be the one that will shelter you from the storm, he is your shelter (Ps46). He is calling you to a new beginning “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43 v 18-19.
Today God is saying I love you too much to leave you there. Its time to move on, it’s time to let go of the past.
Its is a new season in your life and it is time to fly!