Dare to dream
When I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven.Nehemiah 1 v 4
Do you have a dream in your heart? Perhaps it’s a vision that God has placed there? I was taught that God’s visions are like a pregnancy. There is a gestation period – a period of time where your vision is conceived, developed and prepared. Then when the time is right the vision is birthed. The Reverend William D Whately puts it this way “a vision is a mental picture God gives that grips the heart”.
Have you ever experienced this passion rise up inside of you?
Does your heart burn with a passion? Maybe it’s for the lost, the lonely, the addict, a city or maybe even a nation. As we have discovered at Woman2Woman over the last month God chooses ordinary men and women to carry out his plans. All he requires is a faithful obedient heart, a heart that is burdened and concerned for his people.
Just like Nehemiah, a man who God instilled a desire to see the city walls rebuilt, a vision that broke Nehemiah’s heart to the point that he wept over it. What about you, has God given you a burden, a need that weighs heavily on your heart?
I take courage and inspiration from the ordinary men and women of the bible that served God mightily and followed the dreams God gave them. I admire their determination and persistence to keep on going even in the face of adversity.
So do you have a dream? A vision that God has placed on your heart? Maybe you are at the conception stage where God has given you a glimpse of something yet to come. Can I encourage you to press into him, pray boldly and ask for his leadership.. Maybe you are in the preparation phase then ask God for patience and endurance. Or perhaps you have given up on a dream, if it is Gods will then ask him to resurrect it and bring you a renewed passion for it. Then watch as he powerfully and beautifully brings that vision to birth.
Keep on dreaming Gods dreams