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Prepare to dine

“Go and prepare the Passover meal, so that we might eat it together” Luke 22 v 8

If you have been following the W2W blog this week you will know that we have already looked at Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, how the prince of peace came riding on a donkey. We have looked at his frustration over the unfaithfulness of God’s children and how this brought him to tears. Perhaps you can sympathise with his disappointment as unlike those around him at the time, he knew what was to come.

Today’s instalment in holy week leads us to a very unique dining experience. Do you like dinner parties? Before I had my children I used throw dinner parties all the time. I loved planning the menu and the seating plan. I would take great pride in laying the table, cooking the meal and sitting round the table with my friends and family just eating and spending time together.

In Luke’s gospel 22v8 we read that Jesus sent the disciples Peter and John ahead into Jerusalem. He instructed them to go and prepare for the Passover meal that they would eat together. He gave them exact instructions where to go. That they were to follow a man carrying a jar of water and that he would lead them to the upper room.

Now we don’t know exactly how Peter and John felt about this. Did they see it as a privilege or were they insulted, perhaps grumbling - Why are we having to do this boring job, why do they get to go with Jesus but we have to do the shopping, go to the temple, prepare the meal and set the table?

What they didn’t know as they prepared those bitter spices and set that table was that this would become the greatest meal ever eaten. That the plates they set out would hold the bread that would later symbolise Christ’s body broken for us. As they laid the cups, the cup that would represent the blood of Jesus that was later shed for the forgiveness of our sins.

They didn’t know that at the time, but if they did, would it have changed how they felt and how they responded?

Here is the thing. We stand this side of the crucifixion and resurrection. In acknowledging that today, do you know the significance of this meal? Do you believe that Christ’s body was broken for you and his blood shed for the forgiveness of your sins? And does it change how you respond, how you love, how you serve, how you live your life?

What might God be asking you to prepare? You may not fully know, but what you can be assured of is that he is with you and he is working for your good. All you need to do is make yourself available for him to come and move in splendour in your life.

As you set your table, pause and think about Peter and John as they prepared for this meal. Be mindful of Christ’s presence and love for you. And ask yourself does Jesus have a place at my table? If not then what is stopping you from asking him to come in and eat with you? (Revelations 3v20).

The disciples didn’t truly appreciate what they were preparing for, they didn’t understand the true significance of this meal at this time – Do you?

Until next time


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