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Battle Ready

I have a six year old son and he often plays battle games against the baddies, whoever the baddies are!! This is of course just innocent play; however there are real battles going on every day. You only have to turn on the news to see harrowing scenes from the battlefield in war torn places like Aleppo, Mosul and Yemen. Although you may not be living in a war zone physically right now, you may well be fighting another battle, perhaps an illness, financial struggle, marital or relationship problem? How well are you fighting? Like my son with his light saber and toy sword, what ammunition are you using?

Many wars today are lost because the losing side did not use the right equipment.

So you may well believe you are fighting a losing battle. Ask yourself - what tools am I using to fight? Today I want us to consider the possibility that choosing the right armour will lead you to victory in your battle. All throughout scripture we read of victories being won by God’s children and on some of these occasions not a drop of blood was shed. These battles were not won at the end of a sword, with shouting the loudest or taking revenge but instead by using the right battle tools.

So here are 3 to ponder. Number one is Prayer. I read once that the road to victory is travelled on our knees. When we bow down low to pray, rather than complaining, shouting and getting angry at your problems or at another person, get down on your knees and pray about it. Paul says pray always and in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5v15). You may feel like the battle is too much for you, that you can’t take anymore. By partnering with God in prayer you are handing that heavy burden over rather than fighting that battle on your own.

The 2nd battle tool is one which has seen many breakthroughs in my own life and that is Praise. If in doubt praise him, if in need – praise him, if you need a way out – praise him, if in trouble – praise him. Need I go on? I think you get the picture. Praise unlocks the door that allows God to come in and work in and through our soul. By praising God in the battle you are declaring that he is greater than the army you face, that he can do it even when you can’t. All through scripture we see how using praise in the battle leads to victory, King Jehoshaphat and his army as they led the battle singing (2 Chronicles 20v21), Joshua and his army as they marched around the city of Jericho playing their instruments (Joshua 6), and who could forget Paul and Silas while in chains in prison they prayed and they sang hymns to God. As they did the prison walls came tumbling down. Praise leads to breakthrough.

Ok so our final battle tool and a powerful tool to use is this – The word of God. Scripture tells us that the word of God is more than just words on a page, that it is alive and it is powerful “sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4v12). Paul in Ephesians refers to God’s word as a “sword of the spirit”. How does it work though? How do these words protect us and guide us? Maybe you are finding it hard to believe that this old book can really make a difference to you in your troubles. Have you considered asking him? Before I open its pages I pray a prayer in my heart that simply says, “Show me L ord”. Reveal to me your truths. Read it, pray it, meditate on it and live it. That is what will lead you to victory.

So what battle are you facing today? Perhaps you have already capitulated. Can I encourage you to trade in your ammunition for a new set of tools. Why not turn to God in prayer, partner with him, and praise him for he is greater than the army that is coming against you. Finally pick up the word of God the SWORD of the Spirit and use that to march onto victory.

Be battle ready

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