Closer than you think
He is closer than you think
Quite often at the Woman2Woman sessions I will start by asking the ladies how do you view Jesus today? I usually receive a host of answers, that’s because he can be different things to us at different times. For instance this week so far he has been my strength as I have been particularly busy and I rely on him to sustain me. How you perceive God can impact how you respond to life.
How do you see God in your life today? Do you see him as some distant creator who is out of your reach, perhaps too lofty and holy for you to approach? Or do you know that as well as being a righteous and merciful God, he is also your father and he loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31v3). He is the almighty God; sovereign over all but he is also immanent. He is close to your heart today.
Drawing close to a holy God can sometimes be overwhelming for some, especially when we are carrying sin. Perhaps mistakes and disappointments of the past weigh heavy and no matter how close we want to be to him, our shame keeps us at a distance. “I couldn’t possibly approach him as I am”. However God is a loving and forgiving father as we read in Micah 7v18&19. Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love. He will again have compassion on us; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea”.
I love this verse, when we ask God to forgive us, he not only forgives but he forgets, casts our sin into the depths of the sea of forgetfulness, never to return. So when your mind wants to replay past sins and you know you have been forgiven, you don’t need to listen to that anymore. For the almighty God no longer holds that sin against you. For you are his precious child, forgiven and free.
The all powerful and mighty God wants to be with you, don’t let anything get in the way of allowing him to lavish you with his love.
Until next time