Don’t hide your light

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” Matthew 5 v 16
Those of you that follow the Woman2Woman blogs will know that I quite often share thoughts that have arisen from watching a film and they are usually children’s animation, as they are the only films I tend to see these days. So as I got myself settled at the cinema on Saturday for my planned nap, I was captured immediately by the fantastic music in the new children’s film “Sing”. Not only did the soundtrack catch my attention but one line in the film in particular “Don’t allow fear to prevent you from following your dreams”. A young girl (or should I say a young elephant) in the film has a dream to sing. Only she is afraid to let anyone see and hear her wonderful gift. Of course by the end of the movie, she does in fact let her light shine
Do you have a dream in your heart? Perhaps it’s a vision that God has placed there? The Reverend William D Whately puts it this way “a vision is a mental picture God gives that grips the heart”. Have you ever experienced this passion rise up inside of you?
Nehemiah had a dream, God placed a vision in his heart, a desire to see the city walls rebuilt, a vision that broke Nehemiah’s heart to the point that he wept over it. (Neh 1v4) What about you, has God given you a dream, perhaps a burden that weighs heavy on your heart? Maybe it’s for the lost, the lonely, the addict, the homeless, a city or maybe even a nation. God will choose someone like you, whose heart is burdened and concerned for his people. All he needs is a willing and obedient heart and he does the rest.
So what is the dream inside of you, the vision that God has placed on your heart? Maybe, like the girl in the film, it’s to sing for the Lord. Don’t be afraid. Instead, can I encourage you to press into him, pray for his leadership and for patience? Then watch as he powerfully and beautifully brings that dream to life.
Keep on dreaming God’ s dreams and don’t allow fear to dim your light.
Until Next time