W2W 12 Days of Christmas Day 7
On the 7th Day of Christmas my First Love gave to me:
Christmas excitement & anticipation
Well the big day is drawing closer now and we are at day 7 already in our journey through the Christmas story. How are you feeling? Are you tired out with all the shopping and preparation? It can be an exhausting time of year and many of us just want to lie down and sleep. Or should I say we adults want to sleep. I have told my kids numerous times that Santa won’t come if they don’t go to bed, however the excitement and the wonder is keeping them awake.
That feeling of not being able to sleep because you know something wonderful is about to happen - that Christmas Eve anticipation, or perhaps a wedding, graduation, moving house or awaiting a child. As I struggled to get my kids to bed tonight, my mind drifted towards the Shepherds on the night Jesus was born. I love the story of the Shepherds, I especially like how God chose them over anyone else to go and see the Baby Jesus. You see, shepherds at this time were quite lonely characters, they lived like nomads. They were dirty, smelly and were looked down upon by the religious leaders as they saw them as lawbreakers. While the religious leaders lived comfortably in their privileged lives, the shepherds were cold, dirty and underpaid.
In Luke we read that they were watching over their sheep during the silent hours of the night, protecting them and making sure that they were not attacked by some wild animal. Long and cold nights just watching and waiting. However, they were not just watching over their sheep they were watching out for their Saviour. While the religious leaders slept, the shepherds watched and waited. Perhaps that’s why God chose them instead of the leaders to be present at the most magnificent of events.
Maybe they were chosen because God knew the anticipation in their hearts. He knew they were waiting patiently for the coming of the Saviour. What about you? Are you spiritually awake or are you sleeping? Isaiah chapter 9 v 2 says, “The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine”. Jesus is the light of the world and he revealed himself to those lonely shepherds that starry night. However for us, unlike a child who excitedly waits for Santa, the wait is over as he is already here. He shines his light on you today. Don’t get caught sleeping so that you miss the wonder of it all. Or get too busy that you miss your moment.