Patience my child the rain is coming
First Love – Inspiring women to fall in love with Jesus
“Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. “James 5:7
Have you ever noticed that our lives are much like the seasons? We have times of prosperity and peace and other times where the storms of life just seem to batter against our door. Perhaps this is why the changing seasons are made referenced to throughout scripture. In today’s verse James, disciple and brother of Jesus, encourages us to be patient and he illustrates this in the life of a farmer, as the farmer needs the rain to help his crops to grow. Without it there would be no harvest. Jeremiah in chapter 5v24 tells us that the Lord our God, gives the autumn and spring rains in season and assures us of the regular weeks of harvest”. This reminds us of God’s faithfulness and provision. God has promised that the rain will come, however the farmer has to trust and have patience that it will.
What about you, do you have patience? What has God promised you that you are waiting for? Are you experiencing a period of drought right now, where you feel like nothing will ever change, your breakthrough will never come? What does the rain signify for you today? What is it that you are waiting for? The American writer and Christian speaker Beth Moore refers to this as a time “Between the rains”. Maybe that is where you are today, a place of waiting and seeking. It can be hard not knowing if God will really come through. However, the good news is that you are between the rains, which means your rain is coming!!
It is during the times of waiting and persevering that God strengthens our faith and draws us closer to him. It is not always an easy place to be, especially when we live in a world where everything comes at such a fast pace. However, when we trust that God is in control of our lives, we also have to trust that his timing is perfect. God tells us there is a time for everything, a time to reap and a time to sow (Ecclesiastes 3v2). So whatever you are waiting for, have you handed the situation over to God? If so, then be assured that he has it in hand. Take comfort from the words of James, be patient because your rain is coming, your breakthrough may be just around the corner.
I sit silently waiting
Watching and praying
Waiting for the rain
To end this pain
All of a sudden a cloud appears
A sign of hope to end my fears
The rain falls upon my face
As you pour out your loving grace
My waiting now at an end
Delivered by my dear friend
Until next time
Debbie x