What are you thirsty for?
First Love – Inspiring others to fall in love with Jesus
What are you thirsty for?
“Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” John 7:37
I have just returned from visiting family in the Middle East. The trip was a great success and there was plenty to see and do, however much of that was determined by the weather. Due to the soaring temperatures many excursions often have to be put off until evening as it’s just too hot during the day. As well as choosing my itinerary carefully, I also had to drink plenty of water as you can become dehydrated very quickly in such hot and arid conditions.
We all know that the body craves water in order to survive. Have you ever been so thirsty that you have felt the effects of dehydration? Light headedness, dry mouth, headache and severe tiredness. I know David in the Old Testament felt this way and we read about it in Psalm 63. David wrote this during a time when he was hiding out in the desert of Judah. He was most probably hiding from his son Absalom who was out to destroy him. So here is David in the wilderness, alone, afraid, hungry and thirsty. His body most probably experiencing the physical effects of dehydration and yet in verse 1 of this Psalm we read that it’s David’s soul that thirsts for God. He could have cried out for a breakthrough in his physical condition but instead he cries out for more of God in his life. My soul thirsts for you, my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water” (verse 1).
Yes David was in danger, he was hurt, disappointed and he was afraid. However despite all of that it is his soul that thirsts for more of God. And even though his body was aching and thirsty he knew that the deep longings of the soul needed to be spiritually watered. So he turned to God. For nothing will satisfy the soul like God can. Today what are you thirsty for?
All other earthly pursuits to quench the soul are short lived. Only God is pure, clean and deeply satisfying. Only God can quench that spiritual thirst. David knew this and in the middle of the wilderness, he chose to seek God. To turn to him and share his fears, his sleepless nights (verse 6), his worry over his enemies (verse 9&10). Instead of complaining about his situation he chose to praise God, (verse 3-5)
Does your soul thirst today? What desert place do you find yourself in? Is your longing and desire for God’s presence, provision and protection? If so turn to Jesus, just as he says in John 4:14 that “those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."
Until next time